Here are four initiatives of support:
1. The Polish Book Institute and the Metropolia Dzieci Foundation
The “Give a book to Ukrainian children” initiative is run by the Polish Book Institute together with the Foundation Metropolia Dzieci (Children’s Metropolis Foundation). So far the Polish Book Institute has purchased 7,000 copies of books for children and young people from five Ukrainian publishers, as one component of the project. The books are distributed to public libraries all over Poland, especially to the ones close to the Ukrainian refugee clusters.
You can donate directly to the foundation: Fundacja Metropolia Dzieci – with the annotation “Give a book to children from Ukraine”. IBAN: PL16 1140 2004 0000 3102 8012 1088
There is more information here DONATE A BOOK TO A UKRAINIAN CHILD.
2. Ukrainian Book Institute and Federation of European Publishers
The Federation of European Publishers has been asked by the Ukrainian Book Institute whether we could collect, on their behalf, money to print books for children’s refugees in Europe.
Crowdfunding campaign to support printing of Ukrainian children’s books | GoGetFunding
All money will be managed by the Ukrainian Book Institute and spent to print books in countries where Ukrainian kids are refugees.
FEP press release about it (available here).
3. ODILO: Spain
This is an initiative from the company, ODILO. It is called ODILO Stands With Ukraine and you can visit the landing page here.
To summarise the initiative (which is entirely free):
– Distribute digital Ukrainian content for children and parents / guardians (ebooks, audiobooks, other formats)
– Provide a platform entirely in Ukrainian with customised mobile applications for iOS and Android
– Offer virtual tutoring services for refugees to learn the basics of the language spoken in their new land
– Provide virtual classroom capabilities to Ukrainian teachers to continue lessons with their own classes, but also other displaced students.
– We are working with Ukrainian publishers directly to obtain rights to offer print-on-demand services from Spain and to distribute hardcopies of their titles to governments and municipalities around Europe who are hosting refugees.
There is a lot more to our initiative as ODILO is one of the largest content aggregators with a platform that promotes Unlimited Learning in all formats.
4. Universal Reading Foundation: Poland
Warsaw, March 7th, 2022
Dear all,
We are a leading reading promotion foundation in Poland.
Last Friday we started fundraising money to be able to buy books from publishers in Ukraine, transport them to Poland and distribute them to Ukrainian kids and their families. This is obviously to help the Ukrainian kids here and the publishing industry in Ukraine – both at the same time.
I am writing to ask if you would be able to help.
There are c. 400 000 Ukrainian children in Poland already and this number is the target of this action. We have a warehouse for free, distribution for free, transportation probably also – so the money is needed only for the books.
The fundraising part is tough – not many people understand how crucial it is for those kids to be able
to have a moment of peaceful booksharing with their moms (no dads…), how important it is for
the psychological stableness of these kids but also – how fundamental for the future of Ukraine’s democracy is the survival of the Ukrainian book industry.
If each kid was to get a book we need c. 400k euros for the books.
A couple of days ago a Swedish author found her way to us and yesterday she started her fundraising campaign among publishers and authors in Sweden for our operation. So we hope that other international book industry communities, other organizations, and individual people may want to help.
If credentials are needed – we can send them.
Please visit our website: www.fpc.org.pl – it also demonstrates who we are and what we do.
Help can be sent through:
a/ https://paypal.me/FPCzytania?country.x=PL&locale.x=en_US
b/ https://zrzutka.pl/razemdlaukrainy/s/chwilawytchnienia
c/ EUR bank account: 31 1600 1462 1871 2526 2000 0005
IBAN PL31160014621871252620000005
d/ USD bank account: 04 1600 1462 1871 2526 2000 0006
IBAN PL04160014621871252620000006
e/ GBP bank account: 74 1600 1462 1871 2526 2000 0007
IBAN PL74160014621871252620000007
For bigger help – we will have a direct euro account in a couple of days please email us at
We will be grateful for all help, #SlavaUkraini!!!
Maria Deskur
Fundacja Powszechnego Czytania / Universal Reading Foundation