HUNRA – The Hungarian Reading Association (Hungary)

The Hungarian Reading Association (HUNRA) promotes literacy and culture by connecting professionals such as researchers in reading, librarians, special education specialists, teachers and teacher trainers engaged in literacy development in the broadest sense. The organization was founded as an affiliate to the International Reading Association in 1991.


Annual HUNRA conferences address problems like

  • reading in the digital age,
  • teaching cross-curricular and disciplinary reading,
  • family literacy activites,
  • enhancing the awareness of the role of reading in personality development and democracy.

The annual Story Telling Day (30 September) is a reading and story telling campaign with one central conference accompanied with local school and library activities focusing on telling/reading  tales from the uniquly rich Hugarian folklore. This feast of Hungarian folktales is an increasingly popular event organized by schools and children’s libraries all over the country.

Projects include

  • collecting and disseminating good practices
  • in-service teacher training courses in new methods of literacy education
  • initiatives of teacher training: e.g. college students providing peer support for children of poor cultural background, etc.
  • participation in international research programmes like the Visegrad Reads to Kids programme

The Hungarian Reading Association is an affiliated organization of the International Reading Association, the European Federation of Literacy Associations (FELA), and EURead.


Hungarian Reading Association
National Széchényi Library
Budavári Palota F Épület
H-1927 Budapest