Lesestart 1–2–3 (Germany): Reading aloud to babies, toddlers and preschoolers

Lesestart 1–2–3 is a program sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and conducted by Stiftung Lesen, supporting educational justice from the very beginning.

In three phases, Bookstart offers the gift of free books to children of ages 1 to 3. During the U6 preventive examinations, pediatricians hand over sets of 4.5 million books to disadvantaged families. These visits are obligatory preventive medical examination for babies and toddlers in Germany.

2-year-old children receive the package via pediatricians during the U7 prevention and 3-year-olds through libraries in 2021 forthcoming.

Many social actors working in family support, such as family midwives, family centers, health offices, etc. are involved in the program. Medical centers and library specialists provide support in a dense network.

Young children can discover their world best with picture books and stories. Reading aloud to them means looking at pictures in books, commenting these and turning the pages together.

Looking at picture books together with their young children on a regular basis can help parents institute reading as a set part of daily family life. Reading aloud and storytelling work best in the language parents speak best.

For more information, please visit www.lesestart.de. Parental information in English is available here: https://www.lesestart.de/fileadmin/bilder/eltern_broschuere_einjaehrige_viele_sprachen/sl_lesestart_1-2-3_eltern_broschuere_ar_de_en_ro_tr.pdf