Buchklub der Jugend/Book Club for Young People (Austria)

Reading today is a basic necessity, which opens up the world around us day to day. It is the responsibility of the Book Club to encourage young people to learn to read and to bring to them the joys of literature.

The Book Club is the largest reading organisation in Austria comprising 400,000 young people from the age of three to 18 as members, 6,000 honorary consultants at all schools and about 50 freelance and regular employees.

The Book Club is…

  • a non-political literature and reading network for the benefit of the public and with a social commitments
  • a publisher and seller of media for the young and of reading promotion products (Buchklub Verlags- und MedienvertriebsgmbH)
  • a service facilitiy for reading promotion and instruction, based on 60 years of experience, competence and high demand on Quality


Products, projects and services

Child and Youth Media
The Book Club publishes youth media according to age, independently or in partnership with others, either in print or online.

Book Recommendations
The Book Club offers advice, information and sales promotion with regard to child and youth books.

Easier Reading
The Book Club offers instructive reading materials and courses as well as a large scale advisory service to mediators (eg teachers, parents and librarians)

Projects and events concerning reading and books
The Book Club offers reading initiatives throughout Austria and also publicises books and reading in cooperation with partners.

Österreichischer Buchklub der Jugend
Mayerhofgasse 6, 1040 Wien

t (01) 505 17 54
f (01) 505 17 54-50
e info@buchklub.at
