Projects & Programmes

For All Ages

Book searcher – Boekenzoeker (Belgium) The Book Searcher is a website where readers between the ages of 0 and 18 find reading suggestions that suit their frame of mind or interests. The site is a joint venture between the Nederlandse Read More …

For Babies

Bookstart inspired programmes in EURead Bookstart encourages all parents and carers to enjoy books with children from as early an age as possible. Since its pilot in Birmingham, England in 1992, Bookstart has grown into a national programme. Its influence Read More …

For Early Childhood

15 Steps Towards Reading (Austria) As part of its campaign for elementary and primary education and network projects, the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education and Women’s Affairs and the Buchklub developed the programme ’15 Steps towards Reading’ (Flyer 15 Steps Read More …

For Primary-School Pupil

Libruco (Switzerland) The Libruco project is a reading promotion project initiated and organized by the Swiss Institute for Children’s and Youth Media for kindergartens and primary schools. It aims to promote the pleasure of reading through the best current illustrated Read More …

For Teenagers

Teachers’ Club (Germany)   The Teachers’ Club supports scholastic multipliers of reading promotion with up-to-date offers, always oriented on the interests and the worlds of pupils. Registered users receive free material on the reading promotion campaigns of Stiftung Lesen and its Read More …

For Young Adults

Digital Storytellers in Residence (Scotland) Scottish Book Trust is working with two library services in Scotland to pilot the use of digital storytelling as a methodology to encourage people in areas of multiple deprivation to improve their digital participation. The Read More …

For Adults

Booktips for Readers – Lezers tippen lezers (Belgium) Lezers tippen lezers is an online forum where adult readers can share their best reading experiences and discuss thousands of titles. Through promotion campaigns in railway stations, the Iedereen Leest website and the Belgian Read More …