Network Developments

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The Global Network held a meeting in October 2020 to discuss future network developments. This replaced a face-to-face conference planned for that month.

The results of a network survey were presented. The survey reflected member responses to various development options. Some of these options will be explored further in meetings in 2021.

The highlight of the meeting was a presentation by Professor Sakakihara on research support for advocacy on the benefits of early years bookgifting, and on sustaining an international network from the experience of AOCNA. The professor was introduced by Izumi Satou of Bookstart Japan and of the Global Network Working Group.

Professor Sakakihara is President of the Japanese Society of Child Science; Director of the Child Research Net (CRN); Former President of The Asian and Oceanian Child Neurology Association (AOCNA); and Board Member of Bookstart Japan

The benefits of early years bookgifting

Maintaining an effective international network

Presenter: Professor Sakakihara, President of the Japanese Society of Child Science; Director of the Child Research Net (CRN); Former President of The Asian and Oceanian Child Neurology Association (AOCNA)