Global Network Meeting Videos and Powerpoint pdfs

Past Bookgifting Themed Meetings

  • March 21, 2023 – New pilot programmes in Norway and Spain
  • Nov 22, 2022 –     Storyteller Training
  • Oct 13, 2022 –      The benefits of reading: impact now vs later in life – Researchers Network 
  • Sept 20, 2022 –    Multilingual Digital Resources
  • June 14, 2022 –    Programmes in Africa and the Middle East
  • May 17, 2022 –     Research updates
  • March 22, 2022 – Library-Health partnerships
  • Sept 8 2021 –        Programmes in the Global South
  • May 4 2021 –        Health and Wellbeing
  • Mar 25 2021 –      Additional Needs
  • Nov 19, 2020 –     Book Selection
  • Nov 17, 2020 –     Progress and evaluations of new programmes
  • July 1, 2020 –       Targeting the hard to reach
  • June 18, 2020 –    Supporting vulnerable or at risk families
  • May 4, 2020 –       Impact evaluation
  • Feb 13, 2020 –      Maternity hospital and Health Clinic bookgifting
  • Nov 20, 2019 –     Best practice quality bookgifting
  • Sept 12, 2019 –    Using volunteers, and community invigoration
  • June 11, 2019 –    Multilingual provision and Diversity
  • March 28, 2019 – Trial meeting: Bookstart in Belgium and in Japan
  • March 21, 2019 – Trial meeting: Better Beginnings Western Australia, and Bookstart Netherlands

see videos

Powerpoints from meetings

March 2023 – New pilot programmes in Norway and Spain

Nov 2022 – Training storytellers and reading aloud ambassadors & animators

Oct  2022 -The benefits of reading: impact now vs later in life – Researchers Network (see Research Focus page)

Sept 2022 -Digital media & storybooks for young children – resources, opportunities and challenges

May 2022 – Research updates on programmes

March 2022 – Library-health partnerships in Canada and Lithuania

Sept 2021 – Bookgifting programmes in the Global South 

May 2021 – Health and Wellbeing

March 2021 – Additional Needs

Nov 2020 –  Book Selection

Nov 2020 – Progress and evaluations of new programmes

July 2020 –  Targeting the hard to reach

June 2020 – Supporting vulnerable or at risk families

May 2020 –  Impact evaluation

Feb 2020 – Maternity hospital and Health Clinic bookgifting

Nov 2019 – Best practice quality bookgifting

Sept 2019 – Using volunteers, and community invigoration

June 2019 – Multilingual provision and Diversity

March 2019 – Trial meetings


Videos of Presentations from meetings

March 2023 – New pilot programmes in Norway and Spain

Vibeke Røgler and Sigrun Feiring, Foreningen !les , Norway: A brief overview of the Bookstart Norway project; and Natalia Kucirkova, Professor of Reading and Early Childhood Development, Stavanger University Norway, and Open University UK “Norwegian Parents’ Attitudes Towards Shared Reading with Their Children – Findings from Evaluation of Bookstart in Norway”

Ana Molina, Presidente of Mestiza association, San Sebastian, Spain. The implementation of the Bookstart Spain project and the power of networking; and Araya Goitia, the publishers association ¡ÂLBUM!, founder member of Leer Transforma, Spain. READING TRANSFORMS: Leer Transforma: the creation of a new network in Spain to join literature promotion practices and programs.

Nov 2022 – Training storytellers and reading aloud ambassadors & animators

Miriam Schembri: Senior Manager, Reading for Pleasure Programmes, National Literacy Agency, Malta


Rana Dajani PhD: Founder and Director, We Love Reading, Jordan and International,  Professor of Molecular Cell Biology, and President of the Society for the Advancement of Science and Technology in the Arab World

Oct 2022 -The benefits of reading: impact now vs later in life – Researchers Network (see Research Focus page)

Sept 2022 – Multilingual Digital Resources

Marijke Bos: Dutch Reading Foundation, Stichting Lezen, Netherlands

Lotte Baert: Boekstart Flanders, Iedereen Leest, Belgium

Julia Norrish and Zanri Kritzinger: Book Dash, South Africa

May 2022 – Research updates on programmes

Emmi Jäkkö: Finnish Reading Centre, Lukukeskus, Finland 

Marijke Bos and Jette van den Eijnden: Dutch Reading Foundation, Stichting Lezen, Netherlands

Sabine Bonewitz: German Reading Foundation, Stiftung Lesen, Germany 

March 2022 – Library-health partnerships in Canada and Lithuania

Goda Baranauskaitė-Dangovienė: National Library of Lithuania – Bookstart knygų startas in Lithuania grow a generation with a book

Elaine Jones: Welcome Baby, Edmonton Public Library, Alberta, Canada – Beyond Library Lending Edmonton Public LIbrary 

8 Sept 2021 – Bookgifting programmes in the Global South

Julia Norrish: Executive Director, Book Dash, South Africa: Welcome and Introduction

Dorette Louw: Director, Book Dash, South Africa: The Book Dash book-production model

Diana Rey: Executive Director FundaLectura, Colombia – FundaLectura activity

Melissa Kelly: Early Years Fellowship Coordinator, World Bank: Introduction to the Read@Home initiative


4 May 2021 – Health and Wellbeing

Emmi Jäkkö: Lukukeskus (Finnish Reading Centre)

Izumi Satou: Bookstart Japan

Reinhard Ehgartner: Buchstart Österreich, (Österreichisches Bibliothekswerk, Austria)

25 March 2021 – Additional Needs

Kirsty Sinclair: Scottish Book Trust, Bookbug, Scotland

Izumi Satou: Bookstart Japan

19 Nov 2020 meeting –  Book Selection

Barbara Jakob: Schweizerisches Institut für Kinder-und Jugendmedien, SIKJM, Switzerland 

Nancy Edgar: Read to Me, Nova Scotia, Canada 

Caroline Hill-Trevor: BookTrust, UK 

17 Nov 2020 meeting – Progress and evaluations of new programmes

Sabine Bonewitz, German Reading Foundation, Stiftung Lesen, Germany 

Daiden O’Regan, Childrens Books Ireland

Anna Hällgren and Nina Suatan: Swedish Arts Council, Kulturradet, Sweden 

1 July 2020 meeting – Targeting the hard to reach

Julia Norrish: Book Dash, South Africa – Flooding the country with books: using innovative channels to access the hard to reach

Catriona Wallace and Celia Richards: Scottish Book Trust, Scotland – Bookbug for the Home: Bookbug isn’t just a literacy programme, Bookbug builds families 

Anna Hällgren and Nina Suatan: Swedish Arts Council, Kulturradet, Sweden – Testing different methods suited to specific local and regional needs

18 June 2020 meeting –  Supporting vulnerable or at risk families

Miriam Schembri: National Literacy Agency, Malta – Home Libraries: providing a literacy environment in the homes of vulnerable families

Sue Hill and Julia Jones: Raising Literacy Australia Inc – Building Parental Capacity/Home Libraries, and Universal Book Gifting

4 May 2020 meeting – Impact evaluation

Prof Dr Simone C Ehmig: Stiftung Lesen, Germany – Impact Evaluation of the 3 Milestones Project 2011-19

Brian Gallagher MPA: Reach Out and Read, USA – Reach Out and Read Research

13 February 2020 meeting – Maternity hospital and Health Clinic bookgifting

Gabriela Dul: Polish Book Institute – Small Book Great Human: working with Poland’s 360 state hospitals

Shanda LaRamee-Jones: Read to Me, Nova Scotia – Delivering a Bookgift Program at the Hospital Bedside

Emmi Jäkkö: Finnish Reading Centre – Book Gift Program – Book bag for every child born 2019-2021

20 November 2019 meeting – Best practice quality bookgifting

Catriona Wallace: Scottish Book Trust –  ‘Quality Bookgifting: a recent impact study and learning what works’
Marijke Bos: Boekstart Netherlands, Dutch Reading Foundation (Stichting Lezen) – ‘Improving the quality of bookgifting.’
Jennifer Luk: BookTrust, UK – ‘Using Bookstart with families: our programme best practice guidance’

12 September 2019 meeting – Using volunteers, and community invigoration

Ahn, Chan-soo: Bookstart Korea – Reading Promotion for Children in Korea: Using volunteers, and community invigoration
Izumi Satou: Bookstart Japan – Working with volunteers and community invigoration
Laurence McLaughlin: Books4Babies, Ireland – Encouraging voluntary involvement and community participation

11 June 2019 launch meetingMultilingual provision and Diversity

Annie Crombie: BookTrust, UK: Welcome on behalf of EU Read, and working group
Olivia Crill: BookTrust UK –  ‘Bookstart for English as an Additional Language (EAL) literature review and initial pilot results’
Carol McDougall: Read to me! Nova Scotia – ‘Addressing the language needs of First Nations communities. Nurturing new generations of Mi’kmaq speakers.’
Izumi Satou: Bookstart Japan – ‘Bookstart in Japan: Support for non Japanese Speakers’
Discussion on Wordless Books

28 March 2019 Trial Meeting

Lotte Baert: ‘Boekstart Flanders update and professionalisation’
Izumi Satou: ‘Bookstart in Japan: A sustainable structure for self motivated programmes.’
21 March 2019 Trial Meeting
Linda Thorne: ‘Better Beginnings, Partnerships’
Marijke Bos: ‘Boekstart in the Netherlands, Growth and development of an established programme’