World Book Day (Germany)

Following the success of last year’s World Book Day novel (‘Ich schenke dir eine Geschichte’ -‘I Will Make You a Story Gift’), this year an exciting fantasy story has been published for the occasion: ‘Die Jagd nach dem Leuchtkristall” (‘The Hunt for the Luminous Crystal”) by the famous author THiLO.

An enigmatic letter leads the twins Anne and Christian in the shop of the clockmaker Stanislaus. The peculiar man gets extremely nervous while reading the letter: A cruel people called “Araks” stole the lumious crystal of King Konfusius. Now his world is threatened to be lost in darkness. But before Stanislaus comes to help his people, he is kidnapped by an “Arak”. The fate of his people now is exclusively in the hands of Anne and Christian …

The story invites its readers to think about mobbing, outlawing and the handling with it and to find solutions in the classroom together. Apart from that the story is extremely exciting and humorous.

As in the previous year, teachers can order book vouchers for their pupils in order to obtain the World Book Day novel in the local book trade which purchase the books and give them to children as a gift.

Together with the book vouchers Stiftung Lesen is also providing teachers with accompanying material for lessons including ideas, worksheets and reading tips around the subject of the World Book Day novel together with a poster for their classrooms.

This project is run by Stiftung Lesen (Germany)