Book Week Scotland


The 2018 programme for Book Week Scotland, Scotland’s annual celebration of reading, is bigger and better than ever, with over 400 incredible events taking place across the country.

During Book Week, at least 600,000 people of all ages and walks of life will come together in libraries, schools, community venues and workplaces to share and enjoy books and reading. They will be joined in this celebration by Scotland’s authors, poets, playwrights, storytellers and illustrators to bring a packed programme of events and projects to life. In addition, our Book Week Scotland Digital Festival widens public access to the programme, and includes a live Facebook broadcast from Stirling Castle of Scotland’s First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, in conversation with novelist Maggie O’Farrell.

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Goal of our Campaign

To communicate the many key benefits of reading (and writing) for pleasure to Scots of all ages. As our national celebration of all things book-related, Book Week Scotland allows citizens in every community across the country to take part in a wide variety of events, all built around the joys of reading for pleasure.

Most pressing issue

As PISA and other studies show, there is a considerable gap in educational achievement between those from dis-advantaged and more advantaged backgrounds. Creating a national reading culture, where children and families read for pleasure, and where schools encourage reading culture, is a key aspect of creating a fairer and more equal society.

What we need most

Scotland is fortunate to have a First Minister who actively supports the aim expressed above. Building on this support and understanding, Scottish Book Trust wants Scotland to develop a reading culture in all its schools and communities.

Support from the Government

The First Minister Nicola Sturgeon signing the Europe Reads book and the petition to the European Parliament.