The National Reading Plan has joined the celebration of the World Read Aloud Day with an Event and the promotion of different activities.
This event promoted by the National Reading Plan had the support of the Municipality of Alcochete, the Alcochete School Cluster and the Andante – Artistic Association. This event had the presence of the Ministry of Education and an audience of about 300 people in the city of Alcochete. There were two different moments of reading aloud in the event. The first was the reading of different texts performed by the promoter of the Andante Artistic Association, Cristina Paiva. The second one was done by the students from the Alcochete School Cluster that performed the book “Clube Mediterrâneo – Doze Fotogramas e Uma Devoração” (by João Pedro Mésseder and Ana Biscaia). This book is about the dramatic situation that people fleeing from war, destruction and death live while risking their lives to survive. The Andante Artistic Association conceived the show and students of different ages performed it, reading aloud the book.
After the performance the authors of the book explained to everyone the whole process of writing and drawing. At the end of the event the Ministry of Education of Portugal and the National Reading Plan Commissioner promoted a discussion with the students about their performance.
The National Reading Plan invited all to share their reading aloud activities and gathered the results in one map that was disseminated in the National Reading Plan Portal. The map has activities from Portugal, Brasil and Angola. The map is being updated on a daily basis.
Goal of our Campaign
The Portuguese National Reading Plan has always been concerned with the levels of literacy of Portuguese people. Its aims are to promote the pleasure, habits and reading competences of the Portuguese population. But at present there are new demands and different strategies to answer these demands. Through the proposal of a variety of activities the National Reading Plan celebrates the World Day of Reading Aloud as a way to promote reading. During one week the National Reading Plan will disseminate all the activities promoted nationwide on reading aloud. On the 1st of February there will be an event with the presence of the Ministry of Education. This event is a joint initiative of the National Reading Plan, one Artistic Association, one School Cluster and the Municipality of Alcochete.
Most pressing issue
The lower levels of reading for pleasure in younger generations and the higher levels of information input from the Network society.
The target audiences have enlarged, including, in a privileged way, the first childhood, where the foundations of literacy are laid, and the young and less qualified adult population.
Knowing how to read implies nowadays knowing to read well, fluently and in every format.
What we need most
The information society where we live in is in constant and frantic growth. The raising of awareness to better and more conscious reading must begin at an early age. The PNL 2027 aims to help Portuguese people to become more literate, competent and prepared to relate to the world in a more critical, cohesive and effective manner, at present and in the future.
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